Community Boards is the Bay Area’s conflict resolution training leader, offering a wide range of trainings for both beginning mediators and seasoned practitioners seeking to expand their skills.
Primary Contact
Sarah Moss, Mediation and Training Coordinator
Scheduled Trainings
Our core training, The Basics of Mediation, is the Bay Area’s most comprehensive and affordable training for those wishing to learn and practice mediation.
Our series of Conflict Coaching trainings include a two-day introductory overview, complemented by two advanced 0ne-day trainings.
Our yearly calendar of Conflict Resolution Clinics provide intensive 2-hour workshops covering a wide range of topics.
We also schedule a range of half- and full-day Additional Trainings throughout the year. They give in-depth, highly interactive introductions to important topics relevant to mediators, conflict coaches, and facilitators wishing to stay on top of their game.
Our members receive significant discounts on all trainings. Learn more about joining Community Boards’ Membership Program.
Facilitation Trainings
All of Community Boards’ facilitation trainings are customized based on each clients’ specific needs and goals. To learn more, please contact Sarah Moss, Mediation and Training Coordinator,
Be sure to join our email list for future updates on The Basics of Mediation and other training opportunities.