Staff Training
Community Boards offers trainings for implementing its peer mediation program, the Conflict Manager Program. We also deliver customized half- and full-day workshops in conflict resolution skills and strategies for school administration and staff, parents and community stakeholders.
Training topics can include:
- Recognizing the stages of conflict
- Listening effectively in difficult situations and self-expression skills
- Understanding and managing strong emotions
- Problem solving skills/processes to model and use with students & others
- Understanding when and how to intervene directly
- Facilitating and problem solving for students with interpersonal conflicts
School Facilitation
Meetings often get complicated and groups suffer when meetings end unsuccessfully. Our skilled and neutral facilitators help groups and organizations work more effectively.
We have helped parent and community groups define goals, set agendas and ground-rules, determine decision making processes, run meetings, move through impasse, and address conflicts that stem from difficult participants. Our facilitators can also help turn complex ideas into manageable action items.
Facilitation is a particularly valuable tool for School Site Councils & PTAs, when parents and guardians are organized to address the important issues affecting their children’s education.
To discuss your needs and how Community Boards might be of assistance, please contact Sarah Moss, Mediation and Training Coordinator, at
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